Agents versus Tools
by Tony Karp

                   Agent      |      Tool
               Domain of User | Domain of Tool

                Goal Oriented | Operation Oriented

              Self Organizing | User Organizes

  Scripts and Parameter Files | Programs and Commands

         Can Raise User Level | Can Raise Macro Level of Tool

            User Programmable | Requires Programmer

 Can Do Now, Later, Scheduled | Now Only
         Can Learn and Repeat | Driven by User
   Give Instructions One Time | Must Repeat Instructions
   Creates Expertise for User | Requires User Expertise
Intelligence in the Interface | Interfaces Difficult to Use
                      Logical | Physical
                     Symbolic | Absolute
          Keeps User Informed | Error Messages at Tool Level
                   Automation | Computerization
                  Interpreter | Compiler
               Self Modifying | User Modifies
                         Text | Code
                     Adaptive | Upgradeable
             Tailored to User | User Adapts to Tool
     Multiple language Levels | One Language Level
        Allows Infrequent Use | Must Start From Scratch if Infrequent
     Little Training Required | May require extensive training
Copyright 1987 Tony Karp